Mission, Strategy

A clear mission and an ambitious strategy

More than ever, we are convinced that healthcare for tomorrow is built together in a dynamic of listening and sharing, guided by the responsibility we have towards patients, the healthcare sector and society at large.

Michel Feraud Chief Executive Officer - Provepharm Life Solutions

A strategy based on 5 pillars


Our Strategic Plan materializes and formalizes the actions already initiated some times ago and which will continue to be deployed over the next years.

Our roadmap is clear: pursue our growth by focusing on our strategic pillars, which are:



External Growth, with the diversification of our portfolio and the support of the company transformation

Dev_InterneInternal development, by concretizing opportunities and generating protected assets

Transformation_CommercialeCommercial Transformation, by diversifying sales channels and being customer and patient centric

Maitrise_ProductionSecure our API’s and Supply, by securing our independence and increasing supplier reliability

Developpement_StructurelStructural Development, by transforming the company and developing people's leadership and societal responsibility

Our Mission: Act to improve life of our Patients, our Employees and our Ecosystem.

<p>All of our employees share this purpose, which drives us forward every day through two main areas of development:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Molecules Vitalization</strong>&nbsp;to fully exploit their potential</li> <li><strong>Innovation on new treatments</strong>&nbsp;in niche markets</li> </ul>

Notre ambition


S’affirmer en tant qu’entreprise pharmaceutique de spécialités indépendante génératrice d’impact positif

Notre raison d'être


Nous nous efforçons au quotidien d'avoir un impact social, sociétal et environnemental positif et significatif dans l'exercice de nos activités

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